OxygenOS Open Beta 24/15 for the OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T

Hello everyone, 

Here is the change-log for the latest Open Beta build, we have bug fixes and a few changes for you to play with. 


  • Added “Soft” screen calibration
    • We’ve reverted the screen calibration and added the new calibration from last build as “soft.” You can enable the new calibration in the “display> screen” calibration section of settings
  • New boot animation
  • Optimized the clearing of recent apps


  • Updated Community app to V1.9.5
  • Minor bug fixes

Please note: We have patched the blueborne vulnerability independent of the Android security patch. Therefore, some blueborne vulnerability scanners may not recognize our independent patch. 

Please make sure you take a bit of time to fill out our survey on UX & UI here: 
https://goo.gl/forms/ET3E7TbllSksASKT2 . 

And please remember to tell us about any bugs you may find using the bug report forums, found here.https://forums.oneplus.net/feedback/ 


  1. If you have already flashed an Open Beta (you are currently running the latest Open Beta) you will receive this new build as an OTA.
  2. If you ARE NOT running open beta software and would like to, please refer to the flashing instructions and the full ROM found in the downloads page here: http://downloads.oneplus.net/
  3. Once you migrate to the Beta path, you will continue to receive Open Beta OTAs. You will NO LONGER receive the regular Official Stable OTAs.
  4. Moving back to the Official OTA path from the Beta path will require a full install and clean flash (FULL WIPE of all data and cache)

Make sure to let us know how you feel about the beta builds here too, I am watching. 

The downloads page will be updated and the OTA will be rolled out shortly. 

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